Dear Universe – Are you ready for growth?

Dear Universe,

I am open to receiving the next source of financial sustainability and personal growth. Ideally, it will fill my being with unbridled passion and help me to manage my household budget with abundant ease. Additionally, while working with amazing heart-centered souls, I will also have a flow of free time so that I might enjoy the pleasures of my life and gifts of my children’s youth.

This direction and manifestation will bring me to serve in this lifetime my highest purpose.

Bring me to clarity; bring financial and joyous opportunity to me; allow me to be supported by the divinity of all through the work I do in this world.

May my spirit serve to bring your vision into this world by the work I do and the people I meet. May my financial success be in alignment with my service to my community. May my vision be your vision.

Bless me with courage and humility. Bless me with abundance of joy, service, and financial stability. Bless me with all I need to be in this moment of existence right now.

I am ready to be held by, cared for and directed by spirit.

In service,


There it is — a simple (or is it) request to the universe to provide me with all that is necessary to be in service to my life.

I recommend this exercise, it is a simple way to align yourself closer to the path. You can begin to see what is possible, what is reasonable, and what will awaken the passion.

It requires you to be willing to meet the growth with an open heart, as spirit comes full force at times. The trust of surrender can be scary, especially when it comes to business and finances. This part of our identity is not separate from our faith or connection with spirit. At the heart of faith is the belief we will be provided for by spirit (or goddess, life, god, universe, … you pick the word that fees right for you). Even without belief in a “god,” we still need to believe that we can be provided for with work, opportunity or our community.

The greatest business strategy you can invest in, is to trust that you deserve to be provided for, because you are divinely perfect and worthy of this support.


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