Self-Care Evaluation

Thank you for welcoming Sacred Self-Care into your life. No matter where you are on your journey, taking time to prioritize or re-assess your self-care routine is critical to overall health.

While I was asked to participate in this collaboration as a kind of “Expert” on Self-Care, the truth is everyone struggles with incorporating self-care. Not to mention, those who may need it the most, typically have little resource left at the end of the day.

My work in the world looks at resource management and financial health as forms of radical Sacred Self-Care through Sustainable Business Development. I believe we are best equipped to fulfill our soul contract when we find Spiritual-Reality Integration and begin unlocking and activating portals.

This often needs some support, so I invite you to use this quiz as an inquiry into further self exploration and as your first step to Spiritual-Reality Integration.

What is Spiritual-Reality Integration?

While I explore this in depth during my 13-moon cycle apprenticeship Gatekeepers of the Sacred Threshold, in essence Spiritual-Reality Integration is the process of embracing your daily life as a sacred journey. This is done by evaluating portal sources within your environment and activating purpose in your Operational Reality.

Why is this important?

Developing Spiritual-Reality Integration through Sacred Self-Care will activate purpose and sacredness in your life.

This quiz is designed to help you assess what areas you might need to focus on in order to maximize Self-Care and begin living a more sustainable and fulfilling life.

Many blessings to you for opening your heart to caring for yourself in such a sacred radical way.

Foundational Self-Care Evaluation

Please answer the questions as honestly as possible. "Mostly" is used to give some room for those times that you doubt yourself, but overall it feels like an authentic answer.

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