Tag Archive for balance

What is Purpose?

When I decide to live my purpose, I can

I just taught the first class of my second cycle of Birthing the Business Owner: a Spiritual Approach to Business Administration and am feeling so incredibly blessed by this work. It is an honor to witness the birth of such powerful healers, creators and dreamers!

I realized at the end of the class, how much teaching allows me to grow into myself. I am asked to reflected on my own personal work and have been able to discover wisdom in the students, who as teachers themselves.

This is a victory, a release of long held systems of beliefs which no longer serve me. And releasing these stories has been transformative for my soul. I am finally about to embrace the truth of my own sacred work, and by supporting theses students, I have opportunities to learn and grow.

One thing I tell people all the time is that they are meant to have these visions, and aspirations. It is foundational for your purpose in life. And when you start to release other’s expectations of what success should look like, you can start to embrace what your own success can be like.

Here is where the magic is born. When you live your own success story, you can start to be the person you always thought would would be, and you can stop being the person you were trying to be.

This is your purpose. To integrate the beat of your blood and heart and the mirror to your soul, into the daily practice of your live. And living your purpose, is the gateway to activation and truth.

Birthing the Business Owner

a Spiritual Approach to Business Administration

In my series I take you through the elements of nature and how they connect to areas in business administration. Because I feel deeply called to share my work with healers and other business owners who are also on a spiritual journey, I am offering one more class series at a pay what you can fee schedule, starting in late February 2015.

If you want to understand how you can manage your business as a spiritual practice and embrace the birth of your business as a sacred rite of passage, this class is for you.

Want to be “better at the business” part of your business? Join me for this unique chance to learn the basics of managing a small home based business!

Perhaps you are wondering if you have a business or a hobby, and want to know more about what a new business endeavor might mean. Birthing the Business Owner is ideal for those considering the leap into self employment or have been struggling with really moving to the next phase.

This heart centered business course looks at how to navigate the logistics of administering a business as well as how to move through financial energy blocks!

Topics will include:

  • Understanding your business

  • What should you know about running a business

  • How you can stay spiritual, ethical and financially sustainable

  • Budget Basics

  • Tools for success in a mobile world

  • Marketing without selling your spirit

  • And more!

Classes take place every other Thursday evening at 8PM EST and will run between 60-90 minutes on the following days:

  • March 11, 2015
  • March 18, 2015
  • March 25, 2015
  • April 1, 2015
  • April 8, 2015

Register Here

Dear Universe – Are you ready for growth?

Dear Universe,

I am open to receiving the next source of financial sustainability and personal growth. Ideally, it will fill my being with unbridled passion and help me to manage my household budget with abundant ease. Additionally, while working with amazing heart-centered souls, I will also have a flow of free time so that I might enjoy the pleasures of my life and gifts of my children’s youth.

This direction and manifestation will bring me to serve in this lifetime my highest purpose.

Bring me to clarity; bring financial and joyous opportunity to me; allow me to be supported by the divinity of all through the work I do in this world.

May my spirit serve to bring your vision into this world by the work I do and the people I meet. May my financial success be in alignment with my service to my community. May my vision be your vision.

Bless me with courage and humility. Bless me with abundance of joy, service, and financial stability. Bless me with all I need to be in this moment of existence right now.

I am ready to be held by, cared for and directed by spirit.

In service,


There it is — a simple (or is it) request to the universe to provide me with all that is necessary to be in service to my life.

I recommend this exercise, it is a simple way to align yourself closer to the path. You can begin to see what is possible, what is reasonable, and what will awaken the passion.

It requires you to be willing to meet the growth with an open heart, as spirit comes full force at times. The trust of surrender can be scary, especially when it comes to business and finances. This part of our identity is not separate from our faith or connection with spirit. At the heart of faith is the belief we will be provided for by spirit (or goddess, life, god, universe, … you pick the word that fees right for you). Even without belief in a “god,” we still need to believe that we can be provided for with work, opportunity or our community.

The greatest business strategy you can invest in, is to trust that you deserve to be provided for, because you are divinely perfect and worthy of this support.


What’s your worth

I work a lot with clients who don’t understand how much they are really worth. There are many reasons for this but primarily I think it has to do with 3 main reasons:

  1. We hold stories about being “not good enough” which are basically erroneous.
  2. No one showed us how to figure it out.
  3. We forget what we would be willing to pay for something we wanted or needed.

The first recommendation I make to my clients often includes “shopping” for something they want and assessing if getting a good deal or getting a solid reliable service or product is more important to them. The reality is a good product/service is worth every cent.

Next I ask them to think of what they would be willing to actually pay for it. Really. Not your offer, rather someone else’s service or product. Why would you pay this? What do they offer you don’t? What is the same?

These are good steps in helping you to determine your “worth” – at least in the market!

The final quick recommendation I suggest, is finding a venue for working through the emotional barriers to success. This is a foundational need to any successful business, so prioritize it. It could be talk therapy, energy work, self-care, support groups, business coach, … Find something that calls you to be your highest self and go from there!

Time to Dream

I have been going none stop since I had the vision to create the Wild Dreamer business model, completely charged with the excitement I have for possibility. In reality I have always been one to work hard and play hard, but have found a kinder way to move through life in the past year.

So, when I found myself grinding my teeth and rubbing my eyes in order to get one more jobs done, I decided to just stop. I have come to understand the difference now between riding the charge from inspiration and muddling through the process just to finish the task. Both have a place, but the truth is I am not in a sprint here. This is my life’s work, which means I can take time to cultivate it just so if I need to.

However, my old habits of “suffering to succeed” sometimes trickle back into my work flow, causing me to forget this new pace and model of operating. You see, in order to be a dreamer you need time to dream. It is that simple.

So, instead of chasing the last word or budget analysis, I move now into the dreamscape where I shall dance with the mystery of my life’s work.

Do you make time to dream? To remember the joy and ease of your passion?


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