Tag Archive for start-up business

What is Purpose?

When I decide to live my purpose, I can

I just taught the first class of my second cycle of Birthing the Business Owner: a Spiritual Approach to Business Administration and am feeling so incredibly blessed by this work. It is an honor to witness the birth of such powerful healers, creators and dreamers!

I realized at the end of the class, how much teaching allows me to grow into myself. I am asked to reflected on my own personal work and have been able to discover wisdom in the students, who as teachers themselves.

This is a victory, a release of long held systems of beliefs which no longer serve me. And releasing these stories has been transformative for my soul. I am finally about to embrace the truth of my own sacred work, and by supporting theses students, I have opportunities to learn and grow.

One thing I tell people all the time is that they are meant to have these visions, and aspirations. It is foundational for your purpose in life. And when you start to release other’s expectations of what success should look like, you can start to embrace what your own success can be like.

Here is where the magic is born. When you live your own success story, you can start to be the person you always thought would would be, and you can stop being the person you were trying to be.

This is your purpose. To integrate the beat of your blood and heart and the mirror to your soul, into the daily practice of your live. And living your purpose, is the gateway to activation and truth.

Birthing the Business Owner Webinar Series

Birthing the Business Owner:

a Spiritual Approach to Business Administration


I had a fantastic time offering my first class series and I am ready to offer it again! What I discovered is if you want to understand how you can manage your business as a spiritual practice and embrace the birth of your business as a sacred rite of passage, this class is for you.

Want to be “better at the business” part of your business? Join me for this unique chance to learn the basics of managing a small home based business, while also embracing life as a spiritual journey.

The next time I offer the course the tuition $250, but the January series is a “pay what you can heart offering.” This means I am asking you to pay what you can freely, but will feel like an investment in your work.

My hope by doing this is you will love the course and want to share my work with people!

Click here for more information or to register today!

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